Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Card Number 4

We're so close
in our love
that when I'm not
with you,
I'm just not where
I want to be.
Everyday we spend apart
is starting to feel like
twenty-four more hours of lost, lonely time
slowly ticking away from me.
So how do I handle that?
There's only one way --
instead of sitting around and feeling sorry
for myself today,
I'm going to be sorting through some
favorite memories of good times we've had
and daydreaming about even better times
that we'll be having just as soon
as we can get ourselves
back within hugging distance.

So, until you're in my arms,
please remember...
you are always,
always on my mind...
you are never,
never out of my heart...
and you are needed more than ever
in my life.

Thanks Hallmark for the card.

Card Number 3

When we first met,
it didn't take me long to realize
that you were
someone who could
never be loved
just a little bit
or just a little while.
I knew you deserved to be loved always,
and all the way...
and to tell the truth,
I really wasn't sure that my heart
could love so much
or so deeply...
But you were.

You showed me
how wonderful love could be,
and I found that my heart
held more love than I ever knew.
It was just waiting
for the right person to love...
It was waiting for you.

Thanks Hallmark for the card.

Card Number 2

They say "it takes two"
to make a good relationship,
and that's why i'm asking for your help.
I really love you,
but things just aren't right between us,
and I can't fix it alone.

They say "relationships are work,"
and I'm willing to work at what we have
because I don't want to lose
the good things we share.
I really don't want to lose you.

They say "don't expect someone you love
to be able to read your mind -- tell them
what you want and what you need."
That's why I'm telling you
I still believe you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

That's why I'm hoping
you'll help me peel away
the parts that aren't right,
because underneath that
is the greatest love I've ever known.
We're worth it.
I believe that with all my heart.

Thanks Hallmark for the card.

Hallmark, Between You and Me

I have so many Hallmark, Between You and Me cards. I love their card so much that I can't just throw them. So what I'll do, I'll post them here.

Card Number 1:

I would write you a love letter,
but there's not enough paper to write down
everything wonderful about you --
the way you laugh, talk and kiss,
the way you do those little things
that make me so crazy about you.

I would write you a love letter,
but there aren't enough pencils or pens or ink
to put down how you make me feel --
how you make my heart beat faster
and my breath catch whenever we're close,
how you stay with me
like a love song I can't get out of my head.

I would write you a love letter,
but there aren't enough hours or days of lifetimes
to describe all you mean to me --
the way you've changed my world
and made me dream things I never dared to dream before.

I would write you a love letter,
but I can't
I love you too much.

Thanks Hallmark for the card.