Thursday, June 3, 2010

Organizer Quotes

Sometimes I wish to be a princess, so I can meet my prince charming at the end of the day.

It's tough to stay single in this world, where everybody expects you to be with somebody. But staying single is not about having no choice, rather it's an opportunity to make intelligent choices.

I stand before 50 romance, no one was left, except five, invert 3 and you will be the last!!!

Even if life is giving me all the reasons to let go, I can't...I just can't!!!

I need someone whose not strong...not strong enough to let me go...

Organizer Cover 2

In every ending there is such a thing we call beginning.
- I had my wonderful beginning.

Not everything is meant to be but everything is worth a try!
- No matter the outcome is, you can always say at least you've tried.

Organizer Cover 1

Just me, and plenty other fish in the sea!
- my ever so favorite status message on Friendster that time.

It's really hard to freeze into sweetness...when someone already melted you into something bitter!
- What can I say?! Tama!
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Organizer Entry 3

This will be the last entry that I will be sharing with you...not much right?! Because it didn't take a while before I got over him. Written somewhere between September 3 to 10, 2007:

Sometimes I wish I hadn't met you and hadn't fallen for you...

Life could have been much better...

I should not have lost the person that I am and the person I wanted to be...

I should not have felt the emptiness and I should not have cried a lot...

But come to think of it...

If I wouldn't have, I wouldn't be better and stronger...

I wouldn't appreciate things and people that I have the way I do right now...

and especially, I wouldn't have loved!

Just help me hold on...

Organizer Entry 2

August 27, 2007

I don't know why but I just feel good about myself. It feels like I can now make things right in my life...not that everything is wrong. I'll try not to dwell on things that will just make me sad. Move on...that's what I will do.

Organizer Entry 1

I saw my old organizer last night while fixing our things. I've decided to throw some contents that are unnecessary. But before doing so, I would like to put some of it here for me to still remember it. Most of it are my journal entries way back when I was sad. Others are quotes that I like...well it is only applicable at that time. Here's the first entry:

August 25, 2007

I'm still trying to bring back my old self again. I just miss that someone whose faith is so strong. I miss the person who's not afraid to fall in love, who's eager to find that special person. I miss the person who doesn't feel any emptiness in her heart.

Am I happy? Honestly, I don't know. I'm happy because my friends are beside me and most especially my family...but why do I still feel incomplete? I can feel the emptiness. I never felt this in my entire life. I wanted to scream but there is no voice coming out of my mouth. I wanted to cry but no tear wants to fall. I wanted to shout and tell the world what i'm feeling but no right words can best describe it.

Looking back, I am still proud of the decisions I made, they might not lead me to the path where I wanted to be, but all in all, I am completely happy.

On lovelife:

I'm not really lucky in any relationship I had. Sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me.

Just a thought:

I've learned that there is nothing wrong with me, it's just that I am not with the right person.